Monday, June 30, 2014

Day 5- Tall Grass

Wow, using the highway really does make a huge difference. I traveled close to 90 miles today.
On my way through ritzville this morning, I stopped by Zips and the gas station right next door. Luckily they had postcards, hidden behind two spinning stands of course. So I went to the post office and then headed out to the highway. It was pretty smooth sailing from there. For the entire trip in general, I had planned on listening to audiobooks and podcasts the whole way, but so far I had felt too nervous to do so with cars passing me and I was either too busy trying to figure out where to go or was simply enjoying the view on the backroads, so I hadn't even tried it yet, until today. I think I got through about 6 hours of lectures.
I did get one flat tire today, so that makes two in five days... Not very good statistics. The first one was totally my fault though, but even if you take that out and round it up, getting a flat every week is not acceptable. I'm going to visit a bike shop tomorrow in Hermiston, Oregon to see if they have tougher tires or tubes or something.
I was planning on staying with a host on, but I underestimated how far away she was and I also got a bit lost in Kennewick, which slowed me down a lot. I decided to peddle down the highway until I found a spot, but on a whim, I took a random right and lo and behold, there was a "Road Closed" sign in front of a 20 foot road. Beyond it was a small hill (which sucked to get my heavy bike up, by the way), and at the top of the hill was a tree and some bushes, perfect for hiding my tent. Second best of all: no private property signs. And first best of all: an amazing view of the sunset behind some mountains over the city lights, with the crescent moon off to the left. If I'd have gotten there a bit earlier I'm sure it would have been even better. I bet the sunrise will look great too, but I'm definitely sleeping in tomorrow.

Time to get up.

Nice shoulders!

The perfect view from my campsite.

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