Thursday, September 11, 2014

Day 73

I woke up to the sound of grass being pulled up and chewed. I wasn't sure what it was- deer would be a sure bet, but they usually run away after getting a good smell of me. The chewing also sounded different than I would expect. Maybe a cow? The area didn't look like the usual pasture that I saw cows in. I heard a nae-ing sound like a horse and then I was pretty confident that's what it was. When I got out and started packing, I discovered that it was a little pony. It even let me pet it a little. Of course my tent had the usual giant spiders exploring the outside that I had to fend off. I put everything on my bike and was putting on the basket when I noticed a few ants on the bottom. Crap. I had to kill two or three this morning. I figured just a few had made it in. I checked my tent. Dozens, maybe even 100, were swarming around some crumbs. I wondered how in the heck so many got in, but then I realized that it really only takes one. If that one ant leaves a chemical trail, the rest will easily find the hole. Sure enough, I found the two ants sized holes. I didn't know the best way to deal with this situation. I thought about just packing up as usual and perhaps trying to crush them by packing it tightly- but I doubt that would work. They are pretty tough. I doubt a day would be enough to suffocate them too. I decided to take the rain fly off and then just try to shake them all out. It seemed to work pretty well. I was finally able to pack up and hit the road. ---- this is where I left off, I must have fallen asleep. I don't really remember what happened for the rest of the day. I believe I passed through a small town just before sunset. When I was a few miles from it, it seemed like there were plenty I places to camp. I picked the right side of the road first. It had a steep slope and lots of small bushes and trees. It wasn't going to work. I went to the other side of the road. Too many thorn bushes- I'd be directly on top of them. I pushed my bike down a ways. It was just as bad. I decided to get back on the road. Maybe it would be better further down. Unfortunately it was pretty dark by now. I randomly chanced upon a break in the shrubbery to the right. I pushed my bike down and discovered a pretty much perfect spot. Someone had cut a little trail here. It didn't seem to go far. I set up camp and just hoped there were no ants here.

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