Saturday, July 12, 2014

Day 13

In the morning, luckily there were no more mosquitoes. I peddled back to the radioshack that I had passed. Right when I got there, I reached to take my helmet off, but it wasn't there. Crap. I realized I had left it at my camp spot. That was probably the best place to forget it though, because I had to go back that way anyways to continue on. In radio shack, I discovered that my problem was just the charging cord- everything else still worked. On my way out for the second time, I saw that they had a camping sign just outside of town. Oh well. I peddled back and easily found my helmet. The rest of the day was somewhat of a blur. I remember that there were lots of mountains and gorgeous sights. I found a rest stop near the end of the day. The bathrooms there were outrageously sketch- the only light came from a hole in the ceiling that had plexiglass over it. The hole led to an attic. Someone  lived up there... Anyways, a couple arrived around the same time I did. They were interested in my journey and asked a bunch of questions. After this, I knew I had to find a camp quickly before it got too dark. Since it was all down hill, I covered a lot of area in a short amount of time and soon found a big tree to hide behind.

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